C h a r t e r

Indian National Green Party



The principles of the Indian National Green Party reflecting an awareness of the interrelatedness of all ecological, social and economic processes are :


  • to ensure that human activity respects the integrity of ecosystems and does not impair biodiversity and the ecological resilience of life-supporting systems;

  • to encourage the development of a consciousness that respects the value of all life.


  • to increase opportunities for public participation in political, social and economic decision-making;

  • to break down inequalities of wealth and power which inhibit participatory democracy.

Social Justice

to eradicate poverty by developing initiatives that address the causes as well as the symptoms of poverty;
to provide affirmative action to eliminate discrimination based on gender, age, race, ethnicity, class, religion, disability, sexuality or membership of a minority group;
to introduce measures that redress the imbalance between rich and poor.


  • to adopt and promote nonviolent resolution of conflict;

  • to develop an independent, non-aligned foreign policy;

  • to develop a self-reliant, defensive, non-nuclear defence policy.

Sustainable Economy

  • to develop economic policies which will ensure greater resource and energy efficiency as well as development and use of environmentally sustainable technologies;

  • to reduce, dependence on non-renewable resources and ensure sustainable use of renewable resources;

  • to adopt more comprehensive social, environmental and technology assessment practices;

  • to facilitate socially and ecologically responsible investment.

Meaningful Work

  • to encourage, develop and assist work that it safe, fairly paid, socially useful, personally fulfilling and not harmful to the environment;

  • to encourage and facilitate more flexible work arrangements, on-going education, training and social welfare so that more people can engage in meaningful work.


  • to respect and protect ethnic, religious and racial diversity;

  • to recognise the cultural requirements of the Indians;


  • to facilitate a free flow of information between citizen and all tiers of government;

  • to ensure that Indians have the benefit of a locally responsible, diverse, democratically controlled, independent mass media.

Global Responsibility

  • to promote equity between nations and peoples by :

  • facilitating fair trading relationships;

  • providing increased green technology transfer and skills to developing countries;

  • opposing human rights abuses and political oppression;

  • ensuring that India plays an active role in promoting peace and ecological sustainability.

Long-range Future Focus

  • to avoid action which might risk long-term or irreversible damage to the environment;

  • to safeguard the planet's ecological resources on behalf of future generations.